
lazy picture
Company in numbers
  • 00
    Developments in the portfolio
  • 00
    Companies in the ecosystem
  • 00
    Technology patents
  • 00
    Exchange listings

Development Portfolio

  • Drugs
    Development of biomedical products: vaccines, antibodies, gene therapy drugs, etc.
  • Medical Devices
    Development and implementation into clinical practice of medical devices based on gene-activated materials of regenerative medicine and test systems for medical genetics.
  • Medical Services
    Biobanking, genetic research for medical and scientific applications. Regenerative medicine services based on cell technologies.

Revenue and EBITDA dynamics, RUB million

Revenue and EBITDA dynamics, RUB million

Information for investors

  • Biotech Valuation
    A business model in the biotech sector has unique features that differentiate it from the general market. This is reflected in the specific approach and particular methods of evaluating biotech assets for investment purposes.
  • Annual reports
    Information about the company's financial and operational activities.
  • Disclosure of information
    The issuer's reports on securities (quarterly and annual), list of affiliates (quarterly), changes in the list of affiliates and notifications of facts and information (if any) in accordance with the requirements of the Russian legislation.