About the Company


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Artgen is a biotechnology company with a portfolio of developments whose goal is to create, develop, and implement in medical practice innovative drugs, devices or treatment, diagnostics, and prevention methods that provide new and more effective means to combat human diseases.

It includes companies at different development stages: from seed to early growth and maturity.

Our Mission

To translate scientific discoveries and achievements into practical technologies for use in health care. To create and implement biotechnological developments to effectively combat socially significant and rare human diseases.

Development Portfolio

  • Drugs
    Development of biomedical products: vaccines, antibodies, gene therapy drugs, etc.
  • Medical Devices
    Development and implementation into clinical practice of medical devices based on gene-activated materials of regenerative medicine and test systems for medical genetics.
  • Medical Services
    Biobanking, genetic research for medical and scientific applications. Regenerative medicine services based on cell technologies.