Genetico shares are included in the new Moscow Exchange index


The Moscow Exchange begins calculating and publishing a new indicator - the Moscow Exchange IPO Index (MIPO). Initially, the calculation base will include shares of 15 companies, including shares of the Genetico Center.

Using the new indicator, an investor will be able to monitor shares of companies that have recently completed an initial public offering (IPO). The methodology for calculating the new indicator will come into force on April 19. The initial value of the index will be 1000 points, it will be calculated once a day in rubles. The minimum number of shares in the index calculation base is 12 shares; this indicator will be floating, the platform notes.

To be included in the calculation base of the Moscow Exchange IPO index, company’s free-float must be at least 5%, capitalization must be at least RUB 10 bln. The index calculation base will be reviewed quarterly, the trading platform notes.

The appearance in the future of exchange-traded funds for the Moscow Exchange IPO index will help all categories of investors acquire a highly diversified portfolio of securities with one click, which will increase the convenience of their work in the market. On the other hand, the creation of exchange-traded funds by professional managers can have a positive impact on the liquidity of the shares themselves due to sustained demand from institutional investors.

Genetico Center (CGRM, MOEX: GECO) is a company of the Artgen Biotech group (MOEX: ABIO), a resident of Skolkovo and Medtech Technopark. Genetico works in the field of medical genetics and genetic research, introducing innovative solutions into healthcare practice for the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of genetic and socially significant diseases.