Candidates for the Board of Directors and Internal Audit Board HSCI OJSC have been selected


Moscow, March 7, 2014. Human Stem Cell Institute, HSCI OJSC (MOEX: ISKJ), a Russian biotech company developing and implementing products and services in the field of cellular, gene and post-genomic technologies, announced the approved list of candidates for its Board of Directors and Internal Audit Board.

Based on the absentee voting results, the Board of Directors of HSCI OJSC decided to include the following people in the list of candidates for the Company’s Board of Directors at the 2013 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders:

Dmitry Andreyevich Alexandrov, Deputy CEO for Investments at UNIVER Capital LLC,
Roman Vadimovich Deev, Science Director at HSCI OJSC,
Maxim Vladimirovich Dremin, Deputy CEO at ALOR INVEST CJSC,
Vadim Leonidovich Zorin, CEO at Vitacel LLC
Artur Aleksandrovich Isaev, CEO at HSCI JSC
Andrey Aleksandrovich Isaev, Director at Segment LLC
Sergey Lvovich Kiseev, Department Head at the N.I. Vavilov Institute of General Genetics of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Alexander Viktorovich Prikhodko, Deputy CEO at HSCI JSC
Vladislav Alvinovich Saulin, CEO at Investment Company Vysokiye Tekhnologii LLC
According to the Charter of HSCI OJSC, the Company’s Board of Directors consists of 7 members.

The Board of Directors of HSCI OJSC also decided to include the following candidates in the list for elections to the Internal Audit Board:

Svetlana Viktorovna Blokhina, Financial Control and Internal Audit Expert at HSCI OJSC,
Oksana Vladimirovna Peterson, Deputy Chief Accountant at HSCI OJSC
Svetlana Vladimirovna Samoilova, Director for Investor Relations at HSCI OJSC.
According to the Articles of Association of HSCI OJSC, the Company’s Audit Board consists of 3 members.

The new members of the Board of Directors and Internal Audit Board will be elected at the 2013 General Meeting of Shareholders of the Company.