Equity capital and the stock market

Shareholder Structure

The authorized capital of Artgen PJSC amounts to RUB 9,264,545.10 and consists of 92,645,451 ordinary (voting) shares with a nominal value of RUB 0.1 each, placed and outstanding.

The number of shares in free float is currently about 24% of the Company's authorized capital.

Shareholder Structure

Stock information

The authorized capital of Artgen PJSC amounts to RUB 9,264,545.10 and consists of 92,645,451 ordinary (voting) shares with a nominal value of RUB 0.1 each.

Offered and authorized shares of the Company

Share categories (types) Amount Nominal value (RUB)
Placed shares    
Common shares 92 645 451 0,1
Announced shares    
Common shares 92 645 451 0,1

Stock quotes and entry into stock market indexes

PJSC «Artgen» is an issuer in the Innovation and Investment Market (IIM) sector of the Moscow Exchange (ticker: ABIO).

The initial public offering (IPO) of Artgen Biotech shares, conducted in December 2009, was the first IPO of a biotech company in Russia. As a result of the IPO, 15,000,000 ordinary shares were issued (an additional emission - 20% of the Authorized Capital).

Artgen Biotech shares are included in the calculation base of the following indexes:

MOEXINN — the indicator of the Innovation and Investment Market (IIM) of the Moscow Exchange: Moscow Exchange Innovation Index. The launch of this first index of innovative companies in Russia, which was then called ""MICEX Innovations"" (MICEX INNOV), took place on July 13, 2011, and Artgen Biotech shares have been part of this index since its inception.

MOEXCN — the consumer sector index of the Moscow Exchange

MOEXBMI — the broad market index of the Moscow Exchange, including the TOP 100 securities selected based on liquidity, capitalization, and the share of shares in free float, and are the basis for the formation of the calculation bases of other indexes of the Moscow Exchange.

RUBMI — the RTS broad market index

RTSCR — the RTS consumer sector index

Public assets of PJSC «Artgen»

Shares of PJSC «IMCB» - Moscow Exchange: GEMA

Shares of PJSC «CGRM GENETICO» - Moscow Exchange: : GECO